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Monday, August 7, 2017


August, I love you.
Your scent is of a fresh start, rain, and new books.
You remind me that I have many choices and opportunities in the near future.
You make me want to work harder and smarter.
You make me want to stay up into the earliest hours of the morning. Reading and listening to the rain.
I will always be an August child.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Circle of Blame

He blames her and she blames him,
Falling out of love again.
Sleep alone on the loose-spring mattress,
It's about time, they're out of practice.
Watch; this part comes real fast,
Troubles come and troubles pass.
So he blames her and she blames him,
Stuck in the circle of blame again.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016


It doesn't have to be
gone. Once, we remembered what used
to be. Stare into the eyes of a
friend, feel the beat of a nervous
heart. Silent sound of a deep
breath in, about to
let go and walk
Forgotten in the eyes of the
people, remembered in the
steps of those who

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Each snowflake shines like a falling star as they tumble down from the sky twisting and turning in the dominating wind. They touch the earth and become part of the blanket that covers everything. I watch as one lands on my wrist and melts slowly into a raindrop. Every one of them is so intricate and unique. Some say it is impossible for no two to be alike, but I think it is more believable than any story since the beginning of time.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

It's just a drink

“It’s just a drink,” he tries to convince me, but it’s really bottled hatred. Bubbling over with anger and pain. It can capture your mind and push you over the cliff of destruction. As you hit the ground, reality rushes over you and you start to remember things. Things you have done to people that you never thought you would do. Things people you trusted have done. Things you never wanted to relive. I take the drink.